B4 Homeostasis

Homeostasis quiz, suitable for Foundation level science students.
What H is keeping a constant internal environment?. What R detect stimuli?. What P receives information and coordinates responses?. What E produce a response to stimuli?. What S is any change in the environment?. What S happens when muscles begin to shake to raise body temperature?. What H happens when the core body temperature rises above 42 degrees celsius?. What E are proteins that speed up chemical reactions in cells?. What D happens to enzymes at high temperatures?. What R is the release of energy from food in our cells?. What L is a model used to describe enzymes?. What E is used to describe the hands and feet?. What O is when water molecules move down their concentration gradient through a membrane?. What P describes cell membranes?. What K are organs that control water levels in the body?. What U is a mixture of urea, excess salts and water?. What A results in large volumes of dilute urine being made by the kidneys?. What B results in water being lost by the body as well as waste carbon dioxide?. What H is the processing centre that regulates body temperature?. What D can happen when drinking too much alcohol or on a hot day?.
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