Cells, tissues and organs

Quiz on cells and organs for pupils who speak very little English
What C is the jelly like substance in cells where chemical reactions occur?. What C is found in both plant and animal cells and controls what goes in and out of the cell?. What N is the 'brain' of the cell?. What C is found in plant cells giving the cell protection and support?. What V is large in plant cells and contains cell sap?. What C is the green part of a plant is used to make food?. What S is a stretchy muscly bag where food is mixed with acid and enzymes?. What M is used to break food into smaller pieces before swallowing?. What L is where bile is made?. What H is muscular organ that pumps blood through the body?. What L is where oxygen is absorbed into the body during breathing?. What P is where pancreatic juice is made?. What G is used to store bile?. What K is responsible for cleaning blood?. What O is a part of the body with a certain function?. What L is large and flat and found on trees?. What R is a part of the plant that is not usually seen?. What S is the long supportive part of a plant?. What F is a colourful part of a plant sometimes given as a gift?. What B is a stretchy bag that stores urine?.
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