Genetics and Inheritance

Quiz on genes and genetic disorders, some easier questions to recap KS3 level work.
What R is an allele which does not always show itself in the phenotype?. What P is the genetic term for how we look?. What G describes our genetic make-up?. What A are any of several different forms of a gene?. What C is a genetic disorder which causes breathing difficulties?. What D describes the gene causing Huntington's disease?. What M is when the symptoms of Huntington's disease show themselves?. What M are sickle cell disease sufferers more likely to be immune to?. What H is an inherited disease where the blood will not clot?. What M is the section of the population affected by haemophilia?. What N is the part of the cell containing the genetic information?. Which T is the number of pairs of chromosomes in a normal human cell?. What N is affected by Huntington's disease?. What O is carried less efficiently by the blood of sickle cell disease sufferers?. What C is a person who carries a gene but does not exhibit its phenotype?. What A is the continent where most cases of sickle cell disease are recorded?. What B is the dominant allele for eye colour?. What M can cause a non-inherited genetic disorder?. What L are the organs affected by cystic fibrosis?. What H is the fraction of chromosomes contained in sperm and egg cells compared to a normal cell?.
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