The Carbon Cycle

General facts and definitions needed to understand the carbon cycyle. Suitable for KS3 or revision prior to starting KS4 units.
What C is the main form of carbon in the atmosphere?. What R is a process carried out by all living things?. What P is a process that removes carbon from the atmosphere?. What S is something that traps and stores some carbon containing chemicals?. What D is a process that releases carbon dioxide from biomass?. What B is the general name given to plant and animal materials?. What O is a byproduct of photosynthesis?. What D is a major source of CO2, particularly in developing countries.. What O is a mthod of farming that produces less carbon dioxide?. What F are carbon rich minerals that produce carbon dioxide when burnt for energy?. What C releases carbon dioxide and is the scientific name for burning?. What O is the main carbon sink on Earth and covers around 70% of its surface?. What R are sources of energy that do not produce carbon dioxide? (excluding Nuclear). What C means that a process absorbs as much carbon dioxide as it produces?. What Z is the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? (to the nearest whole number). What R is a process carried out by plants that releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?. What G is a carbon containing molecule produced during photosynthesis?. What B is the name given to wood, straw, ethanol etc when burnt for energy?. What I is the common name for manufacturing, construction, agriculture etc, that all release CO2?. What W is a raw material needed for photosynthesis?.
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