The Merchant of Venice

Understanding of plot and motivation in The Merchant of Venice.
What G is the name of the friend Basanio takes to Belmont?. What M is Antonio's profession?. What D is the name of Portia's cousin?. What L is Dr Bellario's profession?. What R did Portia give Bassanio as a token of her love?. Which M does Portia emphasis when appealing to Shylock?. What N is the person Gratiano wants to marry?. Why S explains the broken bond between Antonio & Shylock?. What E suggests Bassiono's lack of money?. What R is behind Shylock's request for a pound of flesh?. Why J is used to describe Shylock?. What G names the place where Jews were segregated too? . What R is the commerical business area in Venice? . What T is the amount of ducats borrowed?. What D refers to the repeated insult hurled at Shylock? . What H refers to the area Shylock wants to cut flesh from?. What P is given by the Duke to Shylock?. What B is the place where Portia lived? . What F is the relationship between Bassanio and Antonio? . What D does Portia undertake at Court?.
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