Healthy Eating

Healthy eating quiz based on common food types and food groups.
What S is a green vegetable high in vitamin C and popular at Christmas!?. What S is the worst type of fat for our health?. What B is 'the most important meal of the day'?. What C should make up 50% of our diet?. What I is important in making red blood cells?. What F is needed to stop constipation?. What O is found in fish?. What E do carbohydrates provide?. What R is caused by a lack of vitamin D?. What S is caused by a lack of vitamin C?. What M is high in calcium?. What B is a fruit that is high in potassium?. What C is a root vegetable that is high in beta-carotene?. What T are affected by sugar and are also the hardest part of the body?. What B are made stronger by calcium?. What Y is raising agent for bread?. What A is purple vegetable and used in moussaka?. What D causes an imbalance of blood sugars?. What G is found in wheat products?. What W is essential to life?.
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