GCSE Homeostasis Quiz

Quiz based on AQA GCSE unit b2 - Homeostasis
What C is lost from the blood in the alveoli?. What U is made by the liver and lost in the urine?. The level of what W is controlled by the kidney and the hormone ADH?. What E are affected by changes in body temperature?. What G is reacted with oxygen to produce energy?. What P is the organ that produces hormones that regulate blood glucose levels?. What I is a hormone produced when blood glucose levels are too high?. What G is the form in which glucose is stored in body tissues?. What L is an organ where glucose is stored?. What D is condition where the pancreas produces insufficient insulin?. What I is the regular treatment for people with Type 1 diabetes?. What U is a substance that can be tested to show if a person suffers from diabetes?. What O is a condition common in the UK and America that can cause Type 2 diabetes?. What B is the location of the thermoregulatory centre?. What V causes the reduction of blood flow to the skin surface?. What S are the rapid muscle contractions used to produce heat?. What E is the term used to describe organisms that can maintain a constant body temperature?. What K are the organs responsible for removing urea from the body?. What G is a substance that is not present in the urine of a healthy person?. What V increases the loss of heat from the blood through the skin?.
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