
The questions are based around a patient suffering with a low oxygen level in their blood (hypoxia). It mentions some of the signs and symptoms, causes and treatment.
What H describes someone who has a low PO2?. What P do you have this when it hurts to cough?. What M have a normal Hb of 15g/dl?. What S is a non invasive measurement of the oxygen levels?. You can use this device to give 24%oxygen?. What E would you do that would increase the demand for oxygen?. What P describes air in the pleura?. What C is the place internal respiration take place?. What S is the substance that would reduce gas exchange in the alveoli?. What P is bad when you slouch?. What A is to listen for breath sounds, usually with a stethoscope?. What B will be your colour if you have a low PO2?. What O describes when you have fluid in your lungs?. What I is a restriction in blood supply that usually results in cells being starved of oxygen?. What T describes the volume in each breath?. What D describes the volume of air in your lugs that is not involved in gas exchange?. What H describes fluid in the pleura?. What B moves the oxygen around the body?. What C is an unwanted side effect of Nipride?. What R is performed when somebody has stopped breathing?.
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