Excellent English

A quick quiz on English vocabulary, grammar and Literature. Originally created for Year 7 but could be used for SATs revision with all of KS3 and even KS4.
Which 'a' is a poetic term which describe the repetition of letters at the beginning of words?. Which 'b' is the surname of a famous English poet, also known as a Lord?. Which 'c' is the name of a famous yuletide novel by Dickens?. Which 'd' is a form of autobiographical novel?. Which 'e' is the name of the three dots used in writing to create suspense?. Which 'f' is the person in which autobiographies are written?. Which 'g' is the study of punctuation and spelling?. Which 'j' is another word for diary?. Which 'l' is the proper name for books, magazines, newspapers and anything else that can be read?. Which M is a way of describing something by saying it something else?. Which 'n' can be described as concrete, abstract and proper or common?. What O is a word which sounds like the action it is describing?. What P is a type of noun which is a name or a place?. What Q is the game played in the Harry Potter books?. What R is used in poetry to emphasise a word or phrase?. What S is a way of describing something by comparing it to something else?. What I is a verb in the form of an order or command?. What T is a great adjective to describe food (especially if it's just out of reach!)?. What W is the first name of the playwright who is normally called the Bard?. What V is often called a 'doing' word?.
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