World War 2

Based on simple WW2 facts
What N is the first name of the Prime Minister at the start of WW2?. What L is the name of the German air force?. What D is the place where the army needed small ships to help the evacuation of the men?. What M is a type of indoor WW2 shelter?. What R was the admiral in charge of organising the ships for Dunkirk?. What B is the surname of the man who had to test the beaches for D-Day. What N is an area in France where the D-Day landings took place. What R is the way food was shared fairly during WW2?. What S is a type of pump used to put out fires?. What G is an object that had to be carried at all times during WW2?. What B is the name given to the practice of making sure no lights were seen by the enemy?. What C is the type of steel used to build Anderson shelters?. What S is the method of letting people know there was going to be an air attack?. What B is the German word meaning 'lightning strike'?. What H was the wartime German leader?. What N was the political party in power in Germany during WW2?. What S is a German U boat?. What V is a popular WW2 singer - Miss Lynne?. What C is a children's club that was involved in collecting salvage?. What U is a place used by Londoners to shelter during bombing?.
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