cells and specialised cells

Cell parts and some life processes for lower ability students.
What S is a cell with a tail?. What N controls what the cell does?. What C is the rigid outer layer on a plant cell?. What M is the layer that controls what goes in and out of the cell?. What S is held in the part of a cell called the vacuole?. What chemical R_______ happen in the cytoplasm?. What G is the colour of chloroplasts?. What O is carried around the body by red blood cells?. What S is the word for cells that do a special job?. what P is the type cell that has a cell wall?. What N is the type of cell that carry messages around the body?. What W is the liquid absorbed by root hair cells?. What G is a life process that all organisms do?. What M is the type of cell that contracts and gets shorter and helps us move?. What R is the human cell that has no nucleus?. What S is the number of life processes?. What M is a life process that is easily seen in animals?. What M is used to make cells look bigger?. What A is the type of cell with only three main parts?. What C is the smallest part of a living thing?.
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