Elizabeth I

A review of Elizabeth's early reign including the Religious Settlement, possible suitors and the Spanish Armada.
What S is the arrangement that Elizabeth came to over religion?. What A is the fleet that Philip II sent to attack England in 1588?. What M is the Scottish Queen who threatened Elizabeth's throne?. What E is the punishment that Elizabeth gave Mary, Queen of Scots?. What H is the main reason Elizabeth was expected to marry?. What C is the religion of Philip II of Spain?. What P is the religion of England under Elizabeth?. What F is the tactic used by the English to defeat the Armada?. What C is the relationship between Elizabeth and Mary, Queen of Scots?. What V is the name given to Elizabeth during her reign?. What D was a suitor to Queen Elizabeth?. What W is one of the reasons for the failure of the Armada?. What T explains the success of the English over the Armada?. What S is the nationality of Philip II?. What A is the mother of Elizabeth I?. What B is the plot that Mary, Queen of Scots was suspected of being involved in?. What P is the extreme Protestants who disliked the Religious Settlement?. What D is one of the reasons why the Armada was launched, because Elizabeth was helping them?. What F is the sailor who led the attack on the Spanish Armada?. What W is Elizabeth's chief minister who discovered the Babington Plot?.
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