Map Skills Blockbusters

A revision tool to review some of the skills learned in the map skills unit.
What M is a birds eye view of an area that Geographers use to navigate from place to place?. What R is a map that shows the shape of the land?. What T is represented on a map as PC?. What G is represented as a blue flag on a map?. What C is a line joining points together of equal height?. What S shows an exact height on a map?. What C describes the position of contour lines when the land is steep?. What F is describes the position of contour lines when the land is gently sloping?. What L is a type of scale?. What S is a way of measuring distance on a map?. What B is a view from above?. What O is a view at an angle like a photograph?. What P is represented on a map as a line with two legs crossed over?. What N is at the top of a compass?. What S is the number of possible points on a compass?. What M is a blue road on a map?. What R is a red circle on a black line on a amp?. What G is a way of showing an exact point on a map?. What P is a blue beer glass on a map?. What S is at the bottom of a compass?.
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