Cold water systems

Cold water systems terms and definitions.
What S is different temperatures in a cylinder?. What C holds water?. What V allows for expansion of hot water?. What D is used to aid removal of water from a system?. What G is used to stop water flowing to the cylinder?. What O regulates water pressure in a FOV?. What B supports the cistern wall?. What D prevents air blowing across cistern?. What S stops flow of water into a property?. What G is excessive pipe in a service pipe?. What S can settle in a cistern?. What B connects a bib tap to the wall?. What C connects the cistern to the cylinder?. What J is connected to the washer of a tap?. What T supports a tap fitted to thin appliances?. What C connects ferrule to stop tap?. What T is where hot and cold waters mix in the body?. What M is a pipe support?. What F is the amount of water through a tap or pipe?. What I prevents water temp in a cistern from rising/falling?.
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