GCSE Psychology - Perception 2

GCSE Psychology OCR Perception Unit
What C is a type of visual constancy that focuses on the affect light and dark has on an object?. What G is the name of the psychologist who conducted research using visually deprived adults?. What B is a type of depth cue where both eyes perceive depth?. What T is a way of perceiving images as flat and without depth?. What R is a type of monocular depth cue where larger objects appear closer?. What H is monocular depth cue where objects closer to the horizon seem further away?. What S is a type of visual constancy that focuses on the many different angles we perceive objects?. What T is a way of perceiving images as having depth?. What C is an approach to psychology (perspective) that is interested in mental processes?. What O is the action of the eyes turning inwards to focus on an object which is near?. What H is a sense that might be heavily relied upon by visually deprived adults?. What S might be a problem of using young infants in research?. What P causes equal horizontal lines to appear different lengths due to a converging background?. What I is an ethical problem when using young children in research?. What P is an ethical problem when using young children in research?. What T is a monocular depth cue where the texture or gradient becomes finer with perceived distance?. What I is a compromise whereby both nature and nurture may have a role in behaviour and perception?. What W was the name given to the participants who could perceive depth in Hudson's pictures?. What M is an illusion where two lines appear different lengths due to the direction of arrow heads?. What A is the name of an animal used in Hudson's cross-cultural depth perception picture test?.
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