Grade 1 Listening Test game

Grade 1 Ch1-3 revision
What A is the letters of a language in their natural order?. What A means 'as well as' or 'in addition to'?. What I is what you do when two friends meet for the first time?. What L is the spoken words of a country or group of people?. What N is something that is ready daily or weekly to find out news?. What S is something with a particular character, not like anything else?. What S is an activity that we play for fun?. What B rings when it is time for school?. What B is a seat we can use outside?. What C is the place where we eat school lunch?. What E includes all things?. What H is a study of the past?. What I is a substitute or replacement - this '____' of that.. What L is when we eat our mid-day meal?. What R is a beautiful flower?. What S is one of many things we study at school?. What W is a part of a sphere - like a part of a potato or orange?. What B is a wool cloth to keep us warm?. What S is wool clothing to keep us warm?. What C is the performance of music for an audience?.
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