Grade 1 Revision Ch1-3

Grade 1 Ch1-3 Revision
What G is another word for 'happy'?. What F is what we like best?. What B is your father's son?. What S is your father's daughter?. What A is your mother's sister?. What R is a human-like electronic machine?. What G is growing flowers and vegetables for fun?. What A is a school subject where you learn to draw?. What M is a school subject where you learn to count?. What C is group of people who all have the same interest?. What M is a gathering of people at a particular time?. What S is something that you didn't expect?. What D are small cubes with numbers 1 to 6 on each side?. What B is a celebration of the day you were born?. What P is something given to friends, especially on birthdays?. What R is a strip of material used to tie thing and make them pretty?. What W to we wear so we know what time it is?. What C means pretty?. What P is a gathering of people to celebrate something?. What Y is a small patch of land near our house?.
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