Electrical Installation 1

Health & Safety at Work
What F is when you may make a mistake through tiredness?. What C is when you make a mistake due to a lack of caution?. What S is making certain that someone is working safely?. What D are chemicals that can affect the way you work?. What A is a drink that may affect your ability to work?. What B is how good or bad you conduct yourself?. What T is when you have been taught to use equipment?. What U is when there is no protection around a drill for example?. What V improves air quality by air movement?. What T are items of equipment that are required to work?. What D is when a place of work is not clean?. What U is when someone has left all the equipment on the floor?. What L is required when you struggle to see due to poor illumination?. What R is an assessment that is carried out before work starts?. What A is can help in your work when it is positive?. What P is the second letter in PPE?. What E is something from which you may get a shock?. What E is a procedure, such as when there is a fire!?. What H is when you manually move something?. What T is a common cause of accidents?.
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