
Energy quiz for KS3 science emphasising the key words needed for unit 7I
What K is otherwise known as movement energy?. What P is the scientific word for stored energy?. What G is the kind of energy that can be stored by anything which can fall to the ground?. What L is an energy that we can see?. What T is a scientific word used to describe heat energy?. What E is a kind of energy carried through wires?. What E is something that is needed for things to happen?. What J is is the unit used for measuring energy?. What S is the energy stored in stretched objects which can bounce back to their original shape?. What O is fossil fuel formed by the remains of dead plants and animals that lived in the sea?. What C is the kind of energy stored in a battery, food, or fuel?. What N is a fossil fuel made from the remains of dead plants and animals that lived in the sea?. What B is is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy?. What C is a fossil fuel made from the remains of plants?. What B is device which converts electrical energy into light and thermal energy?. What F is anything which stores energy which can be converted into thermal energy?. What C is the idea that energy is neither created or destroyed?. What L is the energy given out by a luminous substance?. What S is our primary source of energy?. What S is an energy that we can hear?.
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