Music for Dance

GCSE OCR Music Area of Study 3 - Music for Dance.
What A is the fast tempo of a Waltz?. What B is a dance that people go to watch?. What C is a group of Elizabethan stringed instruments?. What D is "Semper Dolens", an Elizabethan Lute player and composer?. What E is the period of composition most associated with Pavans and Galliards?. What F is the brass instrument that plays at the start of "The Blue Danube"?. What G is a fast Elizabethan dance in 3/4 time?. What H is an Elizabethan composer of viol music?. What J is the first name of Struass the "Waltz King"?. What L is an Elizabethan form of guitar?. What P is a slow and stately dance with 2 beats per bar?. What W is a dance made popular in Viennese Ballrooms?. What D is a 1970's dance with no set moves and four beats in a bar?. What S is the name of the "Waltz King"?. What T is the number of beats in a bar in a Waltz?. What V is the city where Strauss made his name as a composer of Waltzes?. What N is the century that the Waltz became famous in?. What R is a special effect added to vocals in Disco?. What G is the singer of "I Will Survive"?. What P is needed to dance a Waltz?.
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