Long and Short E sounds

Long and short E words suitable for KS1 Phonics.
What P is something you write with?. What E are something you might eat for breakfast?. What S is something that children like to eat?. What T is the number that the Prime Minister lives at?. What S is an animal that lives in the sea?. What S is an animal that lives in a field?. What T is something you chew your food with?. What B is something that you sleep in?. What B is a flying insect that might sting you?. What F are at the end of your legs?. What N is something you catch fish in?. What P is something you use to hang out washing?. What Q is the head of the Royal Family?. What S is something you ride on in the snow?. What T is something you sleep in when you go camping?. What T has a trunk and leaves?. What T comes after two and before four?. What V is something men wear underneath their shirts?. What W is where a spider lives?. What W is round and found on bikes and cars?.
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