Essen und Trinken

German food and drink vocab based on Echo 2.
What B is the German for bread?. What K is the German for cheese?. What E is the German for strawberry?. What S is the German for ham?. What H is the German for chicken?. What K is the German for cake?. What Z is the German for onions?. What C is the German for mushrooms?. What S is the German for juice?. What A is the German for apple?. What S is the German for soup?. What K is the German for potatoes?. What V is the German for starter?. What H is the German for main course?. What S is the German for menu?. What T is the German for grapes?. What S is the German for chocolate milk?. What M is the German for jam?. What E is the German for ice cream?. What K is the German for cherries?.
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