Acids and Alkalis

Acids and Alkalis quiz
What A has a pH of less than 7?. What N describes a substance with a pH of exactly 7?. What H is a type of acid found in our stomachs?. What V is a weak acid that we sometimes put on our chips?. What C is used to describe dangerous alkalis?. What A are used in many household cleaning products?. What T describes a substance that has a serious health risk and could cause death?. What B is the colour of litmus paper that turns red in acid?. What B is the colour that red litmus paper turns to in alkali?. What U can be used to determine how acidic or alkaline a substance is?. What R is the colour universal indicator paper would go when dipped into a strong acidic solution?. What P is the colour universal indicator paper would go when dipped into a strong alkaline solution?. What L is a type of paper that can be used to determine if a substance is acidic or alkaline?. What G is the colour a neutral solution would turn if universal indicator liquid was added to it?. What I is a substance that changes colour in the presence of an acid or alkali?. What C describes a substance that destroys living tissue?. What R describes a substance that gives off radiation?. What A has a pH of greater than 7?. What E describes a substance that may explode if heated, knocked or ignited?. What H describes a substance that is less dangerous than toxic but still dangerous?.
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