Great Expectations

Great Expectations revision quiz for A level English
What J is the lawyer in Great Expectations?. What W is the clerk who lives in Little Britain?. What O is the character who works for Joe at the Forge?. What C is the man who was engaged to Miss Havisham?. What M is the name of Estella's mother?. What T is the stick that Mrs Joe uses to punish Pip?. What P is the name of Pip's 'uncle'?. What S is house lived in by Miss Havisham?. What D is the surname of Estella's husband?. What P is the surname of Pip's friend Herbert?. What A is the first name of Pip's benefactor?. What B is the name of Pip's childhood friend?. What E is the country where Herbert goes to work for Clarrikers?. What N is one of the areas of London visited by Pip?. What K is name Estella uses instead of Jacks in Beggar my Neighbour?. What G is Joe's surname?. What H is the name of the prison ships that Magwitch escapes from?. What C is the word used to describe Pip's hands in chapter 8?. What F is the object Magwitch wants Pip to bring him in chapter 1?. What M is is the setting for Magwitch's escape in volume 1?.
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