Crude Oil

This quiz can be used to assess the pupils' understanding of GCSE Module 4 in Chemistry.
What are the fuels obtained from prehistoric animals and plants called?. What conditions are needed to form fossil fuel?. What are the substances made up of carbon and hydrogen called?. What is the name of the process used to split crude oil?. The temperature at which a substance begins to boil?. What type of chemical reaction is burning?. What is the colour of the flame when natural gas burns in presence of plenty of oxygen?. Name the gas produced when there is not enough xygen for complete burning?. What are the compounds made of chains of carbon atoms with single bonds between them called?. What is the word for hydrocarbons with no spare bonds?. What is the name given to oil in its unrefined state?. What is the word for a biological catalyst?. What C is the name of substance that increases the speed of a reaction?. What D is breaking a substance using heat called?. What N is the reaction between acid and alkali to produce salt called?. What R is the term for gain of electrons?. What R are reactions that go both ways?. What M is a unit of long chain structures?. What S is a product of neutralisation reactions?. What P is a long chain substance made of repeating units?.
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