The Act of Union

Act of Union and Henry VIII
What P is the name of the land Henry owned in Ireland?. What P is the name of the land Henry owned in Wales?. What M is the name of the men who ruled most of Wales?. What T is the number of counties in Wales after the Act of Union?. What W is the language that the Act of Union banned?. What E is the only language that was supposed to be spoken after the Act of Union? . What M is the name of Henry's eldest daughter?. What S is the number of counties in Wales before the Act of Union?. What J was the name of the ruler of Scotland?. What T is the money Henry hoped to get from Wales?. What TC was the name of Henry's advisor?. What S was the nationality of Henry's first wife?. What E was the name of Henry's second daughter?. What C were the people who ran to the protection of the Marcher Lords?. What G is an aspect of Henry's personality?. What B was the way Henry got rid of two of his wives?. What P was the surname of Henry's last wife?. What J was the name of Henry's only wife who bore him a son who lived past infancy?. What C was the religion Henry was?. What D is what Henry did to the monasteries?.
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