US Politics

US politics past and present.
What M was Bush's main rival for the Republican nomination in 2000?. What I is the term used to describe the holder of office?. What B was the surname of Reagan's VP?. What N is the name of the right-wing organisation keen to protect the second amendment?. What P is the leader of the House of Representatives?. What G is the famous and very right-wing Republican Congressman?. What R is the name of the controversial ally of Bush and supporter of the Iraq war?. What M is the film-maker intent on exposing Bush's administration?. What D is the Democrat who lost it with a scream?. What L is the name of George Bush's wife?. What T is the name of Al Gore's wife?. What L is the home town of Bill Clinton?. What B is the colour of the Democrats?. What G is the traditional name of the Republican Party?. What F is the controversial US news network?. What S became governor of California in 2003?. What C was president before Ronald Reagan?. What R is the party of Lincoln?. What N is represented in the Senate by Hilary?. What H was the president who presided over the Wall Street Crash?.
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