Energy Resources (L)

Energy resources quiz with some easy questions. Also suitable for KS3.
What D can never happen to energy?. What M can never happen to energy?. What T happens when we use energy?. What NR describes fossil fuels?. What S describes the energy form you hear?. What L describes the energy form you see?. What T describes the energy form used to heat our homes?. What T describes the energy form usually lost?. What EC do we mean when we say we are 'using energy'?. What F describes the type of energy?. What H spreads out into the surrounding?. What E is an essential part of our lives?. What E describes the form of energy stored in a rubber band?. What C describes the form of energy stored in the food we eat?. What P describes stored energy?. What K describes the energy of a moving object?. What L describes the main useful form of energy emitted from a television?. What E is the main form of energy used?. What C is an example of a fossil fuel?. What B can give us electrical energy store but stores chemical energy?.
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