Reproduction Revision

Reproduction (Year 7 - QCA unit 7B) key word revision quiz.
What T is where the sperm are made?. What T helps the sperm swim?. Which S refers to the rapid growth during adolescence?. Which O is where the eggs are kept?. What P will take place in girls at some point between 9-18 years?. What H grows on boys faces during adolescence?. What I do you get if a fertilised egg splits to form two embryos?. What M is the monthly cycle that takes place in girls when they reach puberty?. What H triggers the start of puberty?. What V is the penis inserted into during sexual intercourse?. What C is the opening of the uterus?. Which S contains the testes?. What E are kept in the ovaries?. What N is found in eggs and sperm?. What U can also be called the womb?. What P carries sperm out the body?. What H helps the sperm enter the egg?. What B is lost during the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle?. What A can start to occur on the skin during puberty?. What I describes what happens to a fertilised egg in the uterus?.
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