Smoke if you dare!

An unbiased, factual quiz on smoking. Suitable for use with QCA unit 9B, Fit and Healthy.
What N is the addictive drug in cigarettes?. What T is the black, sticky, poisonous liquid made when a cigarette burns?. What C is a dangerous poison found in Cigarette smoke?. What A is a thing about tobacco that makes people keep smoking?. What P is a common reason why teenagers begin smoking?. What L is a respiratory disease caused by smoking?. What H is a circulatory disease caused by smoking?. What E is a disease that causes people to 'gasp for breath' and is caused by smoking?. What C are the tiny hairs in the bronchi and trachea that help clean the lungs?. What C is a poisonous that stops the blood carrying oxygen?. What H must all tobacco products carry by law?. What D happens earlier in nearly ALL smokers?. What P is breathing in other people's smoke?. What S is the legal age to buy cigarettes in the UK?. What C is a leading cause of death that is greatly increased by smoking?. What A are the tiny air sacs in your lungs that are damaged by smoking?. What R happens to the lung capacity of a smoker?. What S describes the category of drugs that tobacco belongs to?. What D is the general name given to tobacco, alcohol and cannabis?. What is the number of minute (on average) that smoking a cigarette reduces your life by?.
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