Roman Empire

Quiz on general Roman terms.
What A is the place where people could watch gladiators fight?. What M were decorative pictures created from many small pieces of tiles or ceramics?. What B is a place where people went to wash and meet friends?. What T is something the Romans built everywhere they conquered?. What S is the typical Roman footwear?. What W is the type of people that wore purple clothing?. What T is the typical clothing of Roman men?. What S is the traditional clothing of Roman women?. What F is the shepherd who found Romulus and Remus?. What L is commander of a legion in the Roman army?. What A were soldiers from lands conquered by the Romans who volunteered to fight for the Empire? . What R's are the two people that were believed to have founded Rome?. What P is the city that Mount Vesuvius bought to the ground?. What L is the language that was spoken in ancient Rome?. What N is the style of showing numbers during Roman times?. What E is the country that the Romans called Britannia?. What T's paid for the army?. What B was the British leader that persuaded her people to rebel against the Romans?. What E is a group of countries all ruled by the same leader?. What R is when people decide that they are not going to do what a ruler wants them to?.
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