Limestone Landscapes

Limestone Landscapes - Features and properties.
What CC is the mineral which makes limestone? . What G is a mini gorge like feature on limestone pavement?. What C is a block like feature on limestone pavement?. What C is a process decomposes limestone exposed to rain and the atmosphere?. What S is the feature where water flows into limestone?. What S is a Calcium Carbonate deposit on a cavern roof?. What S is a Calcium Carbonate deposit on a cavern floor?. What C results from the joining stalactites and stalagmites?. What E is process which occurs to leave behind calcium carbonate deposits in caverns?. What RS is the feature which describes water reappearing above ground?. What G is formed when a cavern collapses?. What YD is a famous area in Britain for limestone landscapes?. What GG is an example of a swallow hole in the Yorkshire Dales?. What L is Malham Moor a good example of? . What G exposed the limestone on the Earth's surface?. What T caused the uplift of limestone?. One B is one important use for limestone?. What WT is the furthest point water can reach? . What SPC is a famous building made from limestone?. What I describes the drainage of an area which will only have streams during rainy seasons?.
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