Agricultural Revolution

Questions on the people and developments that brought about the agricultural revolution.
Which E is putting up fences around fields?. Which M makes a lime deficient soil better?. Which L opposed mechanization by smashing up the machines?. Which C is a type of petition?. Which T makes grain from corn?. Which S was an imaginary leader?. Which T was an efficient animal feed?. Which T introduced the Norfolk Rotation?. Which J invented the seed drill?. Which S was a new breed of pig?. Which R protested about enclosure?. Which S is the technique that improved yield from animals?. What O is the name for farming before Enclosure?. What K helped spread the ideas of the agricultural revolution?. What C is a plant that returned nutrients to the land?. What C started to disappear as a result of Enclosures?. Which B is the pioneering English farmer that bred bigger animals?. Which H invented by Jethro Tull, cleared weeds quickly?. What F was inefficient?. What S were 'eating people' in a reference to a shift from crop farming to grazing?.
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