Civil Rights in the USA

For the AS 'Pursuing Life and Liberty' module - ideal as revision!
What S began in Greensboro on Feb 1st 1960?. What M lasted from December 1955 to November 1956?. What F led to desegregation of interstate transport?. What B saw protesters face 'Bull' Connor?. What L advanced the desegregation of schools in Arkansas?. What A was described as 'the most stunning defeat of King's career'?. What V included the Selma to Montgomery March?. What C's were passed in 1957, 1960 and 1964?. What T commissioned the report 'To Secure These Rights'?. What B overturned the 'separate but equal' ruling and began school desegregation?. What W is a suburb of Los Angeles which saw race riots in 1965?. What E introduced the first Civil Rights Act?. What M saw 250,000 people protesting for Civil Rights in 1963?. What I is one of Martin Luther King's most famous speeches?. What J introduced a Civil Rights Act and a Voting Rights Act?. What C was an organisation campaigning for Civil Rights?. What N was established in 1909 to advance Civil Rights for black Americans?. What R's actions began the Montgomery Bus Boycott?. What B was led by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale?. What M was assassinated in 1965?.
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