The Romans

Quiz on the history, leaders and government of the Roman Empire.
What two R s are the twin sons of Mars and Rhea?. What S was the animal who looked after the twins Romulus and Remus?. What T was the last and very unpopular King of Rome?. What C was the large empire in the Mediterranean before the Roman Empire?. What H is the name of a very skilled Carthaginian general who planned an attack on Rome?. What E is something the Carthaginian army brought with them to attack Rome?. What R was the name of the government in Rome?. What A was the place where the citizens of Rome met for elections?. What P was name of the group of citizens who would be peasants, farmers and craftsmen?. What P was the name of the group of citizens who were nobles?. What S was the name for the collective of retired magistrates, who advised the consuls?. What C was the name of the men who governed the city and were elected for one year at a time?. What M was the name of the officials elected to perform jobs such as judges and accountants?. What T was is the name of the men appointed to protect ordinary people from unfair treatment?. What J was the name of an army general who went on to become 'Dictator for life'?. What B was the name of one of the known murderers of Julius Caesar? (he was Caesars friend). What P was an army general who was favoured by the Senate over Caesar?. What A was the name of the first Roman Emperor?. What C is the name that was given to all subsequent Emperors of Rome?. What S was the name of the man who described Augustus as short and spotty?.
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