Muscle Revision

A Level Biology - Revision of key terms/concepts about muscle contraction and types of muscles
What M is a tissue consisting of contractile fibres that produce movement?. What M are the microscopic fibres that make up the larger fibres of skeletal muscle?. What M is a protein that forms the thick filaments in the microscopic fibres of skeletal muscle?. What A is a protein that forms the thin filaments found in the microscopic fibres of skeletal muscle. What N is the point at which a motor neurone connects with a muscle?. What S is muscle tissue that is voluntary and is found attached to the skeleton?. What S is muscle tissue that is not under voluntary control?. What I is the area surrounding the Z-line where there is only actin. What S is the area between Z-discs?. What A is the area in a sarcomere where globular heads are interacting with actin?. What H is the area in a sarcomere that 'disappears' during contraction?. What P is a specialised muscle called the SAN that initiates and maintains the cardiac cycle?. What C is a specialised type of muscle, found only in the heart?. What C is an ion that binds to vessicles to cause them to move in the presynaptic neurone?. What S is the ion that causes depolarization in the muscle membrane?. What V are the structures that contain the neurotransmitters?. What E is the process in which vesicles fuse with the surface membrane, releasing their content?. What L is a tough but flexible connective tissue that holds bones together at a movable joint?. What T is a band of connective tissue that attaches skeletal muscle to bone?. What S is the membrane that surrounds a muscle fibre?.
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