English Grammar Buster

Advanced level grammar quiz
What S is another word for grammar?. What S is another word for synonyms. E.g. large instead of big?. What C is a feeling or object associated with another subject?. What A are helping words for the main verb E.g. 'I will have been..'?. What P are nouns that are subject names such as place and people. E.g. Barcelona and David. What R is a pronoun that replaces a noun E.g. myself, himself, yourself?. What M are the smallest grammatical units that make up words?. What P is a sentence where 'the subject is acted upon'?. What A is a sentence where the subject performs the action?. What R is a pronoun that's also a linking word?. What A modifies verbs and other words of its class and usually ends in 'LY'?. What I is a pronoun that questions something or someone?. What O is a word where the sound-pattern is reflective of the word's meaning?. What M is a type of sentence without a verb?. What S are adjectives that describes the highest or best form of a word, e.g. highest, lowest?. What I is a word that has no grammatical function but typically expresses emotion? E.g. 'whoops'?. What D usually starts a sentence, for example, A, the, it. . What A is the repeated use of words beginning with the same letter to achieve poetical effect?. What S is repetition of two or more consonants but using different vowels, E.g. 'pitter patter'?. What A is a noun that refers to feeling and ideas, e.g. love, belief etc?.
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