Spread of disease and how to stop it

Quiz on the spread of disease and how to prevent it, including some examples, and a bit of revision of microorganisms.
What M is a disease spread by mosquitoes?. What T is how athlete's foot spreads?. What D is a chemical used to kill microorganisms?. What A is a chemical used to kill microorganisms on the skin?. What H is important in preventing the spread of disease?. What H is a method of killing microorganisms, used to sterilise baby bottles?. What D is a method by which tuberculosis and chicken pox are spread?. What D is a method of spreading diseases, for example flu, involving sneezing?. What F is the method by which cholera and polio may spread?. What P, an example being a mask, can be worn to prevent transmission of disease?. What F is the animal involved in the spread of the bubonic plague?. What B is the way by which diseases such as HIV are spread?. What I is a way of preventing the spread of disease by preventing contact with other people?. What Q is another name for separating people or animals to prevent the spread of disease?. What R, also known as 'German measles', is a virus spread by droplets in the air?. What S is a class of diseases spread by contact during intercourse?. What B is a type of microorganism without a true nucleus?. What V is they smallest type of microorganism, for example mumps?. What F is a type of microorganism that does have a true nucleus?. What C is a word used to describe an object that has been exposed to a disease?.
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