practical skill acquisition

AS PE - Practical Skill Acquisition
What C involves the learner making few decisions for themselves?. In what D does the teacher set the problem but the learner must find the solution? . What P is a teaching style?. In what R do learners learn from each other?. What M are whole and part examples of? . What P could the following describe: A, A+B, A+B+C, A+B+C+D?. In what W is a skill practiced altogether, then broken down, and then practiced altogether again?. What M is when the performer practices for the whole of the time available, with no breaks?. What S are distributed and massed examples of?. What M is a cognitive rehearsal of a movement or skill, with no actual physical movement occuring?. What D is a key aspect of visual giudance?. What M is also known as manual guidance?. In what V is it important to keep it brief, avoiding long descriptions, especially for beginners?. What M involves a coach physically supporting a perfomer when learning a skill?. What F is any information received by the learner as a result of a movement?. What I is information about movement that comes from proprioceptors?. What T is information about a performance received after the movement has been completed?. What N could also be known as constructive criticism?. What K is only concerned with how successful the outcome is?. What K do elite performers prefer, but beginners generally show less interest in?.
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