Judaism plenary

Plenary on Judaism suitable for Y6/7.
What A is forbidden by the ten commandments? (clue: sex). What B happens when a Jewish girl is twelve years old?. What C are lit to mark the beginning of Shabbat?. What D is the king whose shield or star is a Jewish symbol?. What H is the name commonly given to the persecution and killing of Jews during the Second World War. What I is the name of the only Jewish country?. What J is the religion embodied chiefly in the Torah and in the Talmud?. What K is the hat or cap worn by Jewish men?. What M is the most important Jewish prophet (messenger) who received the ten commandments?. What A is the holiest part of a synagogue, where the Torah scrolls are kept?. Love for which N is a key part of Judaism?. Love for which G is an essential part of being a religious Jew?. What S is used to describe non-religious Jews?. What O is the word used to describe Jews who keep the traditional rules?. What P is a kind of poem or song used in Jewish worship?. What S is the place where Jews pray or worship?. What S is the Jewish day of rest?. What W is not allowed on Shabbat?. What T is worn by Jewish men during morning prayer?. What T is a scroll of the holiest Jewish writings?.
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