
Key words from the novel, Coraline by Neil Gaiman
What C is the heroine of the novel?. What N is the first name of the author?. What S is the surname of one of the actresses?. What H is the name of the Scotty dog? . What S is a creature to which Coraline compares her 'other mother'?. What B is the company who published the novel?. What M hold the souls of the lost children?. What F is the number of the door to the other world?. What T are used to glimpse into the future?. What C is used by both parents for their jobs?. What F is hiding much of the other world?. What B does the other mother want to sew on Coraline?. What O is cooked for Coraline's breakfast?. What B are eaten by the other mother?. What M make up the circus?. What R sing to Coraline?. What M is Coraline imprisoned behind?. What W were braved by Coraline's father?. What S is hidden in a marble?. What S is Coraline's lucky charm?.
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