War Poetry - Suicide in the Trenches

Suicide in the Trenches by By Siegfried Sassoon.
What W is the theme of the poetry we are studying?. What S is... 'coughing like hags' an example of?. What O is a word that imitates its sound, like hiss, bang, click?. What M is the phrase 'life is a roller coaster'?. What T is a long narrow ditch where soldiers spent most of their time?. What I is 'bullet through his brain' an example of?. What A is 'a simple soldier boy' an example of?. What H is 'the place where youth and laughter go'?. What N is the voice and attitude of the poem? . What L made life uncomfortable for the soldiers in the trenches?. What G is the mood of the poem 'Suicide in the Trenches'?. What P is 'the sun laughed' an example of?. What R is 'glum and rum' an example of?. What S is the way in which poems are organised? . What A means to add information to a text?. What P is the unit you ar studying?. What S completes the title of the poem '________ in the Trenches' ?. What A is 'slept soundly' an example of?. What W tells us that the soldier was once happy?. What G tells us that the soldier is miserable? .
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