Government spending

Spend spend spend - how the government spends our money.
What T is the department that decides how the country's money will be spent?. What C is in charge of the treasury and decides how money will be spent?. What B is a plan on how to spend money?. What T is the money that we must pay to the government so that it can support certain services?. What I is the tax charged on people's wages and any money they receive from doing business?. What V is the tax charged on things we buy from the shop like biscuits and bread?. What C is the tax we pay to help pay for local services like policing and rubbish collection?. What S is the tax you have to pay when you buy a property?. What R is which has to be paid on a car, bus or truck before using it on a public road?. What E is the tax charged on alcohol and tobacco?. What I is Tax is usually paid on someone's property when he/she dies?. What H is the organisation that collects taxes?. Which G. O is the name of the current Chancellor of the Exchequer?. What F is another name for money?. What S means to use up money?. What B are the different types of payments the government makes to help people who aren't employed?. What C is is a type of benefit paid specifically to the parents or guardians of children?. What H is a type of benefit paid to help people pay for their accommodation?. What W is the money that people receive after doing work?. What P is the money that people receive after they retire from work?.
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