Rounding Numbers

KS3 intro to rounding and decimal places.
What D is the dot in the middle of a number called?. When rounding, do we go up or down?. What O is rounding to the nearest two zeros?. What O is rounding to the nearest three zeros?. What T is rounding to the nearest one zero?. What is 0.6 rounded to the nearest 1?. What W is a number which doesn't have a decimal point?. What M is something we use every day that has two decimal places?. What is £95 rounded to the nearest 100?. What is 0.08 rounded to the nearest tenth?. What is 499 rounded to the nearest thousand?. What is 68 rounded to the nearest ten?. What is 144 rounded to the nearest ten?. What is 550 rounded to the nearest hundred?. What is 0.789 rounded to the nearest hundredth?. What is 8235 rounded to the nearest thousand?. What is 48.6 rounded to the nearest ten?. What is 4.56 rounded to the nearest whole number?. What is 91222 to the nearest ten thousand?. What is 5000 to the nearest ten thousand?.
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