Year 7 Physics Revision

Year 7 Physics revision
What K is a type of movement energy?. What S is renewable energy resource?. What C is a gas produced when fossil fuels burn?. What B is the circuit symbol that is a circle with a cross through it?. What C is the flow of electrons around a circuit?. What A is unit of measurement for current?. What S is a circuit where if one bulb breaks they all go out?. What F is a thin piece of wire that melts if too much electricity flows through it?. What F is a force caused by two things rubbing together?. What W is a force caused by gravity?. What S, S and D do unbalanced forces change about an object?. What D is calculated by dividing mass (g) by volume (cm3)?. What M is how much of something there is?. What is G is the force that pulls a mass towards the centre of the earth?. What L is a method of reducing friction?. What T is the time taken for the Earth to rotate on its axis?. What Y is a duration in time that describes how long it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun?. What natural S is the moon an example of?. What N-L is the moon?. What M is the 4th planet from the sun?.
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