Planets Music Quizbusters

A quiz to test you all on The Planets, musically and scientifically!
What H is the composer of The Planets?. What P is the name of Holst's operas?. What J is the largest of the planets?. What O is a name for a collection of instruments and musicians?. What V is the name for a stringed instrument?. What G is Holst's first name?. What M is the smallest of the planets?. What E is the planet we live on?. What T is another word for whether music is slow or fast?. What D is whether music is loud or quiet?. What P is whether a musical note is high or low?. What F is a wind instrument held to the side of your cheek?. What I is the name for Pianos, Flutes, Violins or Saxophones?. What C is the person who tells the musicians how to play?. What M is the name for someone who can play a mucial instrument?. What C is the name for when you make music?. What S is a planet that has lots of rings?. What H is the sense we use the most in Music?. What D is an instrument that you bang and makes a deep booming noise?. What M is known as 'The Red Planet'?.
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