
Quiz for AS physics - Density and general terms for material properties.
What E is the word Archimedes used when he discovered how to calculate density of irregular bodies?. What A is a mixture of two or more metals?. What C is the shape with volume = Pi r^2 h?. What D is Mass / Volume?. What K is the unit of Density?. What H is multiplied by Width and Length to get Volume?. What D is the name of the can used to measure irregular volumes?. What M is the prefix for 10^6?. What F is the prefix for 10^-15. What T is the factor difference between micro and nano?. What M is what you read from the bottom of in a measuring cylinder?. What B is stiff but not strong?. What E describes the ability to regain its original shape after being distorted?. What P describes a material which doesn't regain its shape after being distorted?. What F means can be bent without breaking or distorting?. What S describes how difficult it is to change the shape of an object?. What G is an example of a common brittle material?. What M is the amount of 'stuff' in an object?. What is the definition of Density?. Ductile means that a substance can be drawn into what?.
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