Spring festivals

A Spring festivals quiz with questions on the major religious festivals and pagan customs designed for a group aof adult literacy learners and supported by an infornation sheet from skillsworkshop.org
What S is a kind of cake eaten at Easter?. Which F made decorative eggs for the Tsar of Russia?. What H are eaten on Good Friday?. Which J remember the exodus from Egypt in spring?. What M is a place of spring pilgrimage for Muslims?. What E is a solar festival celebrated when the length of the day and night are equal?. Which H is the Hindu festival of colours?. Which B's birthday is celebrated on the full moon in May?. Which J's death is remembered on Good Friday?. What E is traditionally given as a gift at Easter?. What P is not one of the major religions?. Which B is said to bring eggs at Easter?. What L is traditonally eaten at Easter by Christians and Jews?. What U is the kind of bread Jews eat at Passover?. What C is the best selling Easter egg eaten in the UK?. What F is the averge number of easter eggs that children receive at Easter?. Which S celebrate the death of the winter demon in spring?. What S is the day that Jesus is said to have risen fromt he dead?. What R means return to life by a dead person?. What P was the original Hebrew word for Easter?.
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