Forces year 7

Quiz using keywords from the Year 7 topic Forces
What U is a force that pushes you up whilst in water?. What M is the amount of matter in an object?. What F is a force that acts ib the opposite direction when things rub together?. What S is what happens to a spring or elastic material when a force acts on it?. What F is a push or pull?. What N is unit of force?. What B is when two forces are equal?. What W is what astronauts feel in space?. What W is due to the force of gravity?. What G is the unit to measure mass?. What N is used to measure force?. What T is any stretching force?. What A is a force when anything moves through air?. What T is the force which moves an aircraft through the air?. What S changes when you kick a football?. What D is happens to a ball when hitting it with a bat?. What T is a force that happens when turning a spanner?. What S changes in all types of forces?. What K is a measurement of mass?. What F is another name for Newton meter?.
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