
Blues Music - Plenary lesson quiz
What C is a question in the Blues?. Which BB sang 'Songs from a Cotton Field'?. Where did the slaves start the Blues tradition?. Where did the slaves come from?. How many different notes are in the blues scale?. How many bars does the blues chord sequence have?. Which RC is a famous blues artist?. Which JC is well known for scat singing?. Louis Armstrong, a famous blues artist played what instrument?. Which EF is well known for scat singing?. What is the name for a 'dooba doo' rhythm?. What do we call 'making it up on the spot'?. Which BBK was a famous blues artist?. Which F is the name for a black note on the keyboard?. Which S is the name for a black note on the keyboard?. Which kind of Blues was invented after WW2?. Which D is a kind of Blues that originated in Mississippi?. Which M is a kind of Blues?. What do we call a 'crushed' note in the Blues?. What is the musical term for loud and quiet?.
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